National anthem of Samoa: The Banner of Freedom

The Samoan national anthem was written by Sauni Iiga Kuresa and composed by Sauni Iiga Kuresa.

Samoa, tula'i ma sisi ia lau fu'a, lou pale lea! Samoa, tula'i ma sisi ia lau fu'a, lou pale lea! Vaai 'i na fetu o lo'u a agiagia ai: Le faailoga lea o Iesu, na maliu ai mo Samoa. Oi, Samoa e, u'u mau lau pule ia faavavau. 'Aua e te fefe; o le Atua lo ta fa'avae, o lota sa'olotoga. Samoa, tula'i: 'ua agiagia lau fu'a, lou pale lea!

Samoa National symbols

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What is Samoa known for?

Samoa is known for its amazing natural scenery, cool beaches, mountain and hills, and aquatic life

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