Country comparison Tonga vs. St Lucia. Here you can compare the two countries and see the profile, culture and national symbols side by side. Click here to compare Tonga with another country.
Language(s) |
Literacy rate |
Currency |
Capital City |
Country code |
Domain(TLD) |
Ethnicity |
Religion |
Nationality |
Driving Side |
Date Format |
Total Area |
Timezone |
Average elevation |
Coastline |
Mains Electricity |
Tongan |
99.4% |
Tongan paʻanga |
Nukuʻalofa |
+676 |
.to |
Tongan and Euronesians |
Christianity |
Tongan |
Left-hand side |
dd/mm/yyyy |
748 km² (289 sq mi) |
UTC+13 |
419 km |
N/A |
240 V |
Saint Lucian Creole French |
90% |
Eastern Caribbean dollar |
Castries |
+758 |
.lc |
Black African, Mixed, Indian |
Christianity |
Saint Lucian |
Left-hand side |
dd/mm/yyyy |
617 km² (238 sq mi) |
UTC−4 (AST) |
N/A |
158 km |
240 V |