Country comparison Thailand vs. Peru. Here you can compare the two countries and see the profile, culture and national symbols side by side. Click here to compare Thailand with another country.
Language(s) |
Literacy rate |
Currency |
Capital City |
Country code |
Domain(TLD) |
Ethnicity |
Religion |
Nationality |
Driving Side |
Date Format |
Total Area |
Timezone |
Average elevation |
Coastline |
Mains Electricity |
Thai |
92.9% |
Thai baht |
Bangkok |
+66 |
.th |
Thai, Central Thai, Thai Lao (Isan), Khon Muang |
Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism |
Thai |
Left-hand side |
dd/mm/yyyy |
513,120 km² (198,120 sq mi) |
UTC+7 (ICT) |
287 m (942 ft) |
3,219 km |
220 V |
Spanish |
94.1% |
Sol |
Lima |
+51 |
.pe |
Mestizo and Amerindian |
Christianity Roman Catholicism |
Peruvian |
Right-hand side |
dd/mm/yyyy |
1,285,216 km² (496,225 sq mi) |
UTC−5 (PET) |
1,555 m (5,102 ft) |
2,414 km |
220 V |