Country comparison Sint Maarten vs. Curaçao. Here you can compare the two countries and see the profile, culture and national symbols side by side. Click here to compare Sint-maarten with another country.
Language(s) |
Literacy rate |
Currency |
Capital City |
Country code |
Domain(TLD) |
Ethnicity |
Religion |
Nationality |
Driving Side |
Date Format |
Total Area |
Timezone |
Average elevation |
Coastline |
Mains Electricity |
Dutch and English |
98% |
Netherlands Antillean guilder (US dollar available) |
Philipsburg |
+1-721 |
.sx |
Afro-Caribbean, European, Chinese, East Indian, and mixed |
Roman Catholicism, Pentecostal, Methodist, Seventh-day Adventist, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Rastafarian |
Sint Maartener |
Right-hand side |
dd/mm/yyyy |
87 km² (34 sq mi) |
UTC-4:00 (AST) |
424 m (1391 ft) |
N/A |
110 V |
Papiamentu, Dutch, and English |
100% |
Netherlands Antillean guilder |
Willemstad |
+5999 |
.cw |
Curaçao, Dutch, Dominican, Colombian, Haitian, Surinamese, Venezuelan, and Aruban |
Roman Catholicism, Pentecostal, and Protestantism |
Curaçaoan |
Right-hand side |
dd/mm/yyyy |
444 km² (171 sq mi) |
UTC-4:00 (AST) |
0 m (Lowest) |
N/A |
127 V |